What is Wahhabism...?
Finally,I seem to have hit my stride and become regular with this blog.One of my friend commented that you don't have the proper audience for the topics that you are explaining but that does not mean that I start writing about fashion or travel or love (Which I did in some of my earlier blogs).Anyways Patience is Virtue and I will continue to write this series about Islam Analyzed.
So today I wish ruminate on Saudi state.The state officially sponsors a version of Islam that is often known as as Wahhabism. This name comes from Mohammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab,a Sunni preacher who was born in 1703 in the Najd region of what is now Saudi Arabia.
Wahhab discovered that, over the years,Muslim had added innovations to their religion.For example, worshipers would pray at tomb to seek favors,wear amulets around their necks and arms, or dance themselves into a mystical trance. Wahhab detested all this. He wanted a return to pure monotheistic worship.He believed that he was taking the religion back to the original principles of the 'salaf'- the first three generations of the Muslims.Hence Wahhabism is a rigid form of Salafism.
Wahhab was expelled by the local ruler under the pressure from provincial chieftains. Eventually Muhammad ibn Saud, one of the chief attempting to unite myriad Arab tribes through conquest,invited Wahhab to join him.A partnership was cemented between the two men.The partnership led to the Emirates of Diriyah-the First Saudi State that lasted from 1744 to 1818.
Mohammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab |
Madawi-al-Rashid,in his book A History of Saudi Arabia provides the words spoken by Wahhab to Saud after the two men had arrived at an agreement.
'You are the settlement's chief and a wise man.I want you to say to me under oath that you will perform Jihad against the unbelievers.In return you will be imam,leader of Muslim community,and I will be leader in the religious matters'In effect,Saud would give his religious support to Wahhab while Wahhab would lend his political support to Saud.
This is really important to understand the ongoing conditions of Syria in Particular and Middle in general.Keep reading Thank You that's all for today.Comment your views on the topic and enlightened me as well.Your suggestion are utmost welcome.
Part V of the series Islam Analyzed
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