Did a Divine Monkey Unlocked the gates of the Babri...?


Previouly in 'Ram Naam Satya Hai'  the Ram's Idol was surreptitiously placed in Babri Masjid in 1949, but Islam prohibits idol worship and namaaz was no longer offered at  the 16 century Mosque. The court  allowed a priest to take care of the idols and the main gate of the mosque remained locked. This continued for 36 years and the country lost interest in Ram Janmabhoomi until the locks were opened.


       Divine monkey or a Prime Minister looking to please everyone.Could both be equally responsible for turning the movement for a Ram Mandir Temple into deeply political one. But before the religious and the political crusade, came the persecution. Faizabad District Court Judge KM Pandey saw a monkey holding falgpost here, people were offering it groundnuts and fruits KM Pandeythought that it was strange that the monkey refused to eat He then went into his chamber to hear on the petition that wanted the locks of the Babri Masjid to be opened.Two officers who represented the Congress Government which was in the power at the centre and the state,told the Court that there would be no law and order situation if the locks were opened.This was curious because the muslim community was bound to be unhappy if Hindus were given unrestricted access to the mosque which remember had been desecrated by Pandit  Aabhiram Das and others in the raid some three decades ago.Judge Pandey ruled that the Muslims were not gonna be affected if the locks were opened and if Hindus were allowed to worship the idols placed inside the Mosque.
'The heavens will not fall" he said except they did. There was a nationwide rioting 
in Delhi,Meerut,Hashimpura,Muradnagar,Maliyana and even Anantnag in Kashmir, whereas several temples were destroyed in the retaliation for the Babri.
           Later in his autobiography KM Pandey wrote that the decision to allow the locks to be opened was prompted by an divine monkey. I just saluted him and took him to be some divine power he wrote.
    Next in the series ....now that the Idols are placed and locks are opened the next logical step would be to lay the foundation stone of the Ram Mandir.

            The call for a mandir at the exact same spot, “Mandir vahin banayenge” was heard for the first time after the disputed structure was unlocked on the Faizabad district court’s orders. Not only did the unlocking bring the Ayodhya dispute back into the national discourse, it also pushed the issue into the realm of organised politics.
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