Islam - A Religion of Peace or Violence...?

There are many who say that the word Islam means 'peace' they are mistaken.Islam actually means 'submission to the will of Allah'.
             Recently someone talked about how Islam is indeed a religion of peace and even quoted from the Qur'an,I think it was Surah 5 Ayat 32,the verse says 'Whoever kills a Human being,except as a punishment for murder or other villianity in the land,shall be regarded as having killed all mankind; and whoever saves a human life shall be regarded as saved all mankind.'
             But for every verse of peace I could find you a verse of violence I have made a note of several such verses.
      Surah 4:95- Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight....
      Surah 8:12- ...strike them upon the necks and strike them from every fingertip...
      Surah 8:60- ...terrify the enemy of Allah ...
      Surah 9:29- ...fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day
So then  I wonder,is Islam a religion of peace or a religion of violence? 
         Well the verses that came to Prophet in Mecca were the verses of  peace.These passages focused on the brotherhood,tolerance and charity,hallmarks of Islamic faith.
         But the later verses are the sword verses.They came to prophet after his move to Medina.We should remember that Islam grew by leaps and bounds only after this event.Just goes to show you the power of the sword!
        The question arises,which verses should one believe? Islam enshrines within it a concept called Naskh- or abrogation.If later verses conflict with earlier one,then the later verses are considered the final word 
        It seems to me that terrorists seem to treat the contradicting verses as their greatest asset.They can continue Jihad,sanctioned by the Medina verses,while an average Muslim can continue living their lives peacefully,secure in the conviction that Islam is about peace as per the Mecca verses.
      This dichotomy seems to suite terrorists fine and they take full advantage of it.    

Part II of Series Islam Analysed   


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