What is Wahhabism...?
Finally,I seem to have hit my stride and become regular with this blog.One of my friend commented that you don't have the proper audience for the topics that you are explaining but that does not mean that I start writing about fashion or travel or love (Which I did in some of my earlier blogs).Anyways Patience is Virtue and I will continue to write this series about Islam Analyzed. So today I wish ruminate on Saudi state.The state officially sponsors a version of Islam that is often known as as Wahhabism. This name comes from Mohammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab,a Sunni preacher who was born in 1703 in the Najd region of what is now Saudi Arabia. Wahhab discovered that, over the years,Muslim had added innovations to their religion.For example, worshipers would pray at tomb to seek favors,wear amulets around their necks and arms, or danc...