
Showing posts from May, 2018

What is Wahhabism...?

                   Finally,I seem to have hit my stride and become regular with this blog.One of my friend commented that you don't have the proper audience for the topics that you are explaining but that does not mean that I start writing about fashion or travel or love (Which I did in some of my earlier blogs).Anyways Patience is Virtue and I will continue to write this series about Islam Analyzed.             So today I wish ruminate on Saudi state.The state officially sponsors a version of Islam that is often known as as Wahhabism. This name comes from Mohammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab,a Sunni preacher who was born in 1703 in the Najd region of what is now Saudi Arabia.       Wahhab discovered that, over the years,Muslim had added innovations to their religion.For example, worshipers would pray at tomb to seek favors,wear amulets around their necks and arms, or danc...

Contrasting History: To Believe or Not to Believe that is THE question...

            I am always befuddled when I examine the history of Islamic conquest.The contrasts are confounding.             In the year 627 CE,almost nine hundred Jews of a Medinan tribe called Banu Qurayza were massacred by Muslims.The killings began early in the day and ended in torchlight.Those who escaped death were taken captive and sold at slave markets.Brutal, to say the least.             Caliph Umar Ibn Al-Khattab  But then I wonder: was the Holocaust perpetuated by Muslim? Were Nuclear Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki dropped by Muslims? Think about this: When the Caliph, Umar ibn Al-Khattab,entered the Jerusalem in 638 CE, he travelled on foot out of respect for the holiness of the  site.There was neither blood nor slaughter.The Muslims signed a treaty with the patriarch.It guaranteed Christians their lives,their property and their right to worship.It was toler...

Violence as the core of religion

               I realise that my last article was incomplete without reference to other religions.So here it goes.           There are those who say that there are enough passages in other religions that are equally violent as some in the Qu’ran. The Bible and Torah have many passages that talk of stoning and killing. For example            Ezekiel 9:5 -follow him through the city and kill            everyone whose forehead is not marked.Show no mercy,have no pity.Kill them all,old and young, girls and women and little children.                 Deuteronomy 17:12 -anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the holy man who represents God must be put to death.                       Leviticus 24:16 - anyone who blasph...

Islam - A Religion of Peace or Violence...?

                      There are many who say that the word Islam means 'peace' they are mistaken.Islam actually means 'submission to the will of Allah'.              Recently someone talked about how Islam is indeed a religion of peace and even quoted from the Qur'an,I think it was Surah 5 Ayat 32 ,the verse says 'Whoever kills a Human being,except as a punishment for murder or other villianity in the land,shall be regarded as having killed all mankind; and whoever saves a human life shall be regarded as saved all mankind.'              But for every verse of peace I could find you a verse of violence I have made a note of several such verses.       Surah 4:95- Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight....       Surah 8:12- ...strike them upon the necks and strike them from every fingertip...   ...

Radicalization in Islam..Where it all began..?

           I wish to write some thoughts about Islam in some upcoming articles I have heard many views about the topic from great scholars, off course our (hypocrite) media and have read books on this issue this article is just the compilation of such thoughts             There are those who say that the radical Islamism is the result of something within the doctrine of Islam itself.There are others who say that this terror is actually the consequence of Western interference. I believe that the both group are right in their own ways.            Why do so many people ignore the deleterious impact of Western colonialism on the Muslim world? In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt.In 1830 the French captured Algeria.A decade later,the British annexed Yemen. In 1881 the French took over Tunisia,And a year later the English took over the Egypt.In 1991 Russia annexed part...

Dear Rain

                Dear Rain.... It's new name for you isn't it..? But for me when I am in desert,burnt by the cruel sun,My skin melting like a candle,my Dear Rain you are one who shed her love on me.And I move towards you like a moth.I always ask you my light,But it's heartbreaking when I realize that you are too far away. I am wandering in search of you,your moth is what I am,and you being the lightful sun beyond my reach.And I will die for you but your promise restricts me to.           I need your voice to hear me,your voice is all I need.Am I angry...? Yes I am angry.Not on you but on me.I wait for you.I am desperate and I am angry because I am dying.I am sorry today I have no words to say or write because the tears are filling my mind.I am broken completely today.I am  sorry I will not be able to write anymore today.           Dear Rain I need you and I am sorry ...

Identity ....Who am I..?

          Identity. ...Who am I..? A simple question but the answer is a myth.I am a brother,am a son,a teacher,am a father,a friend,a seeker,a giver,a lover and many more things.          But whom I belong to identity is unknown.Once someone asked me what do you want to become...? I was puzzled by many choices...out of which I can choose anything.But I was unable to choose anything because everything for me was unknown.Then I asked myself  What not to be...? I am not a liar,a thief but I am a seeker who seeks love.          I found you my life.I found you my light.Not lost now Identity I am ......I am YOU. My each action and each step leads me to you.My waiting eyes to see you belongs to you.I am yours.Your absence,your presence,your smile,your tears,your love,your hatred,your vows and your broken promises,your truth,your lies are all mine.           God gives you w...

Time Enemy or Friend

          Time is a great enemy.It makes you feel you are weak.But it is the time that teaches you how to be strong.Love and time are entwined.If you cant wait how can your love be strong.You watch her in front of you yet you wait.You walk with her yet you wait.You spoke your heart out and she says something that relieves you ,yet you wait.You can hear her words eve though she hasn't spoken anything.The taste of your kiss smoother you and you wait for eternity to pass by like this.           How long can you go in time for her? How long can you live  those  promises,One should follow only two things in life                        (1)Live your promises to eternity                        (2)Never make promises             I forgot the second one.Silent words keep asking me...

I Said Let there be a blog and there was Blog

Idea of writing a blog  was coming up now and then but never really i gave a thought to the idea until finally now that I have got new personal laptop I decided to write on the topics that I feel are connected to all the students going through different phases of their life .Hope to keep on writing  That's all for today  Lets take one step at a time  See you later then  Blog