Thoughts on Indian Independence
Thoughts on Indian Independence शुभम सोमनाथ केणेकर भारत देशाच्या कार्यकर्ता (The Only Identity That Matters) This is a great day for India, if we think not in terms of days and months and years but in terms of centuries and civilisations. It is a day as great as when the mind flowered in the Indo-Gangetic Valley or when Asoka laid the foundation of his moral empire. Nothing less than an epoch is dying and nothing less than a civilisation is being reborn. It is not merely the liberation in the flesh of four hundred millions that we celebrate; it is the liberation of the mind. A conquering civilisation abdicates, unable to conquer. The humanism of what is known as the Renaissance and the Protestantism of what is known as Reformation in Europe are being repeated in this country in another context. Alien rule, alien thought, alien speech and alien manners, the tyranny of mind over mind ...